Monday, 5 March 2012

Something wicked this way comes.

So, I have finished playing with my blog layout for now. I'll probably return to tweaking it at some point, it still doesn't have the 'look' I want it to. Not that I really know what that 'look' is.
Recently my work has taken a turn, I've started to obsessively draw really enjoy working with flowers, insects and animals. They're not necessarily realisitic illustrations but I do use a lot of anatomy books for reference. I tend to half draw from diagrams and photographs and then half 'make-up' plants and insects. I've also been increasing my knowledge of photoshop and experimenting with that. I'm quite a novice and rather embarrassed about not being very good yet, so I won't divulge too much of that. You'll have to wait until I'm a pro to find out about my photoshop experiments. Anyway, here's one of my latest concoctions for you to take a gander at.

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